Contact Us

General Enquiries

Please use the email to get in touch.

WhatsApp message

Please use the following number to get in touch via WhatsApp. (+0044) 7946 272133

Get Hijama Treatment

To find a certified Hijama Clinic therapist near you, please visit the Therapists listing page.

What to expect from a Hijama appointment

Please read our Standards to expect from a Hijama therapist page.

Hijama Course Deposit Payment

Please use the following options to pay your £25 deposit, to secure your place on the Hijama certification course.

Paypal payment

Click the button below to make a £25 payment:


Bank Transfer

Bank transfer is the preferred method of payment:
Account Name: Hijama Clinic
Account Number: 82544865
Sort Code: 40-30-32
International Bank Account Number (IBAN): GB37MIDL40303282544865
Swift code: MIDLGB2144A
Please use your full name as the reference.

Hijama Course Full Payment

If you wish to pay the full amount of £395 upfront, please use the buy now button below:

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